
Thursday 02May13

The Original…OPT…but you don’t get “coached” by “Coach” anymore as the video states!  OPT is the guy behind the Competition/Performance/Fitness theory of progression.  His training method and certification program is unmatched in the CrossFit world right now.  Not really associated with CrossFit anymore, he coaches hundreds of CrossFit athletes worldwide both individually and corporately.   His depth of research on Fitness as a sport is unmatched.  He has strongly influenced my understanding and development of CrossFit and training as a whole.



A. 7 Mins OMEM : 5-10 Pull Ups (make them challenging)


B.  4 Rounds:

400m Run

20 Ball Slams (30/20/15)




A. Every 20 seconds for 7 Minutes: 1 Squat Clean (185/125)


B.  2 Rounds:

Run 800m

25 Thrusters (105/70)


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75 Acco Drive Suite 6-7
York, PA 17402