
Tuesday 20Aug13

A.  EMoMx 12 minutes = 2 power snatch @ 67% of 1 RM – focus on first pull off ground
B.  EMoM x 12 minutes = 2 clean and jerk @ 70% of 1 RM
C.  Reverse hyper, 5 x 10, rest 45 sedonds
8 minute amrap
30 double unders
7 ring dips
7 T2B
plank hold 2/ 45# on back; 1 minute; rest 1 minute x 3
A. 135#
B. 180#
C. 115#
D. 8+30
E. I got the first two rounds UB, then broke 30/30 on the last.  Sucked.
Instagram reports: Please check the settings



75 Acco Drive Suite 6-7
York, PA 17402