
Tuesday 17Dec13

A.  Power Snatch; 75% x 2 x 3, 80% x 1 x 3
B.  Power Clean + Jerk; 75% x 2 x 3, 80% x 1 x 2, 85% x 1 x 4
C.1 RDL to knee only @ 22×1 x 3 x 3, rest 60 seconds
C.2  DB bent over row x 5/side x 3 sets, rest 60 seconds
500m row
30 kb swings @ 70#
30 burpees
(hit the row in 1:35.. goal is unbroken and sub 4 minutes)
plank holds x 3 sets @ 60 seconds
A. 145-155.  Felt easy.
B. 195-210-225.  Felt easy.
C1. 325
C2. 90#
D. 4:04.  Row: 1:35.  UB.  My transitions were slow.  I did Swings just above shoulder height…that okay?  It was a long day.  I was happy with that, but know I can go faster with that. Confidence builder.
E. Planks were easy today.  I usually suck at those.
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75 Acco Drive Suite 6-7
York, PA 17402